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The Painters Group

Upcoming & Ongoing Events


Monthly Meeting:

  • Questions?

  • Brushstrokes 2024 is open at Art Center Morro Bay, and runs through September 16, 2024. This annual juried exhibition has a long history of gathering fine art from California artists and presenting it to the Central Coast in a formidable display of diversity and creativity. Don't miss this! Art Center Morro Bay​​​​​​​

  • September 8 - Join us for a Studio Visit to the studio of Robert (Bob) Burridge at 2:00 pm, Sunday, for current TPG members only. Carpooling is strongly encouraged, and artists are asked to bring their own chairs. Directions to the studio will be sent to members.
    During this visit, Bob will demonstrate “Four Landscape Design Compositions.” He will paint warm-up exercises using his four favorite basic compositions: Horizontal, Tunnel, Asymmetrical and Golden Section. At first, he will work with black and white acrylic paint to show structure and value. Then, Bob will switch to color, using both transparent and opaque acrylics.
    There will be plenty of time for Q&A. Burridge Studio is a working painting studio — Bob goes there everyday!
    For those who don’t know him, Bob Burridge is a nationally and internationally known artist as well as a local treasure who has taught, mentored, juried and inspired legions of artists on the Central Coast. His online and in-person classes, workshops and demos teach a variety of skills in different mediums. Don’t miss this chance to learn from Bob and to see his wonderful studio in person.

Painting Opps

Monday Morning Paint In, Central Coast Watercolor Society Members, 9-12 am, Nipomo.

Plein Air Coastal Artists: Wednesdays, 9:30-12 am,

Wednesday Irregulars – Cambria Plein Air Painting, Wednesday mornings. Cam Arnold,


Thursday Morning Plein Air Watercolor:

Cambria Painting Critique Group, Cambria Center for
the Arts, 3rd Tuesday of each month, 10-11:30 a.m.


... to the award winners in Brushstrokes 2024!

The three Awards of Excellence were given to:

--Elizabeth Chaney for Tread Lightly

--Robert Goetting for Arbor at Castoro Winery​​​​​​​​​

--Jan French for Marine Layers

ArborAtCastoroWinery by Robert Goetting - painting
Tread Lightly by Elizabeth Chaney - painting
MarineLayers by Jan French - painting

TPG’s Mission Statement: We believe in the power of art to ignite the imagination, stimulate thought, and provide enjoyment. Through our exhibitions and programs, we support one another and strive to integrate art into the lives of our community.


The Painters Group (TPG) is an artist group formerly affiliated with SLOMA, and includes artists working in a wide variety of painting mediums: oil, acrylic, encaustic, watercolor, pastel, drawing, mixed media, and digital. All levels and styles are welcome.

As a member of TPG/CCAC, you are invited to send information on your current exhibitions to be posted on the website. Join us now to put your work before a wider audience! There are also active FaceBook and InstaGram accounts to serve this group for announcements, sharing work, and discussion.

Questions? Contact The Painters Group

OceanPlay by Rosemary Bauer - painting

Image: Ocean Play by Rosemary Bauer

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